
Discuss how the play you have performed is relevant to a contemporary audience

Shakespeare wrote the tempest during a time when the world was still being discovered, and our version of the tempest is a comment upon colonialism. Our version of the tempest is set in Serra Leone very different from where the audience are living. I Believe that our performance is not incredibly  relevant to a contemporary audience as it is very different from where we live and the lives we lead  but there are elements.This play is set in a time where the world was still being discovered, where knowledge of different lands and countries where minimal and if not fact then myths which where spread, very different from the time period which we are living in, we have the ability to visit distant lands and countries fairly easily, Countries such as Serra Leone have been visited many times and we have a large amount of information to read, watch and listen to about this country , The internet has allowed us to understand different cultures if we want to, allowing us to see videos and read articles informing us of the culture and various other information. If our performance was shown to an audience in the time period of when it was written, then it could of had an incredible impact much like most things if we brought them back into the time period,  there rumors about cannibalism and people where interest and keen to find new lands, this performance would of given them an insight into some cultural elements of places they would never visit or see in there lifetime.
Slavery is also an element we have shown with in our performance, but since 1833, when The Slavery Abolition Act was put into place ,which was for abolishing slavery through out the British empire. Slavery has not been experienced openly or publicly, although illegally this could of carried on. Slavery is not something that is experienced in today's society. The only talk and information shared on slavery is during a history lesson, where we talk about the slavery with in American  With in these lessons there is not talk or information shared on Slavery happening with in the African countries to each other, such as Prospero's and Caliban's relationship, I have  learned that the leaders of tribes would sell member's to slave traders, such as American and English people. It has very occurred to me that Slavery would happen with these African countries using there own people and natives as slaves for themselves, and our version of the tempest has enlightened me and could of also enlighten the audience, but i believe it has no relevance to modern society and the lives that the audience have. The only slavery that is known and heard is now know as "Human Trafficking" Humans being brought and sold around the world, and Sexual slavery has been in the news most often, there have been various different stories and films inspired by this, that is the only form of slavery that is ongoing today,but there isn't a massive comparison with the slavery element of our performance.

Colonisation has although left an impact on the world today which is easily relatable seeing the development in countries within Europe and comparing them to the underdeveloped countries with in the world and the costumes used for the performance showed clearly the difference in the development, which the audience will be well aware of ,The Europeans where dressed in regimental where as the lost where dressed in torn and ripped pieces of material, I believe our performance can be relevant with the element i have just discussed but i believe the audience do not live in a time period where slavery a big issue compared to what it was during the time period of The Tempest.

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