Evaluation of The Performance

I believe that our performance went incredibly successively  comparing it to our technical rehearsal only A day before there was a massive improvement in every element of our piece.Our performance was interesting for the audience to watch as the African theme and lifestyle was far away there's. it gave them an insight to a different culture. The energy levels where high with in the opening of the piece creating an atmosphere from the start.I believe that the audience where shocked by the opening, with the singing, chanting and movement section, it was unexpected and automatically introduced them to the cultural aspect of the performance.Both side of the theatre, left and right, which we aimed to focus allot of the performance to could of been used more, although it was difficult to try have a conversation, from what i have observed and not close off the sides. During the rehearsal before the performance Gavin, was asked to play the character of Caliban with an African Accent, this changed my feelings towards the character of Caliban completely, the accent added a truth to his performance and made me personally feel more sympathetic towards him ,the accent helped make a clear divide between the Africans and the visitors on the island. Making me feeling sympathy for Caliban as the character of Stephana and Trincular where intruding on where he lived and not showing it respect. Gavin adapted to the accent incredibly well maintaining it throughout the performance. The costumes and the setting helped allot with keeping everyone in character and maintaining the accent and also helping everyone remember there surrounding and the location of where the performance is set. As a member of The Lost i'd say that is was our best performance, everyone knew what they where doing on stage and off, knowing what rocks to move and where to, we moved them smoothly with out error, where as in rehearsals we where not completely aware of the exact placement of all the rocks. I have gained some feedback comments from audience members informing me that the end off the play was disappointing in compassion to the high energy levels of the performance, And that because the opening was full of energy and set the performance at such a high level there was an expectation that we have to reach with the ending and we failed to do so, the opening consisted off The Lost body riffing and moving about on stage, the lighting created an atmosphere and there was a general atmosphere on stage, but at the end of the performance they found the character of Prospero to just talk off the stage, and that there was no atmosphere made, Which thinking about it I can agree with, I can understand and agree with these comments, that the plays ending didn't have allot of energy and there wasn't a tension felt on stage, If we had given more focus on creating an atmosphere at the end of the performance, it would off added allot to the play and we could of discovered an interesting way to do it.

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